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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"It's Just Your Imagination"

How many times have you told yourself, "It's just your imagination." How many times, particularly when you were young, were you told, "It was just your imagination." Have you ever told anyone, when they confided an experience to you, "It was just your imagination"?

Firstly, "imagination," is probably the most underrated of our phenomenal abilities, secondly, the label "imagination," is applied when something that is not understood has been experienced. Through the application of this statement, along with, "it was just a coincidence," we have been convinced to ignore and dismiss a tremendous amount of information and awareness' coming our way by way of our senses.

Young people, who are still sensitive to finer vibrational energies, are conditioned to sensor much that they experience, and generally stop having them. If they continue to experience unacceptable awareness', they quickly learn to stop talking about them. How many children have "invisible" playmates? How many mothers set an extra place at the table to accommodate such playmates? As children grow older, these playmates are left in the past/forgotten.

We adult humans are a strange lot; probably because of intended conditioning, we believe that everyone else in the world experiences our world in exactly the same way as we do. (We also, strangely, think 'most everyone else have our good qualities, but very few our bad. But, those are topics for another day.) Young children, about the time they begin to talk, discover that not everyone experiences what they are experiencing, by the shock they elicit by talking about those experiences, or memories. Depending on how open the adults in their world are to the, so called, "paranormal," he/she will either continue to share his/her experiences, or he/she will stop talking about them, or stop having them altogether.

In the '60's, a revolution happened; it was ignored by the general population, but embraced by many involved in that other revolution, to their benefit. You can also benefit from this revolution, a half-century later.

I personally learned about it in the mid-to-late '60's, about the time my Belief System was shattered on the reality of hypnosis, and it has played a major role in my life. This revolutionary event was the discovery that the brain gives off "waves" (actually recorded as an up-and-down jiggling pattern similar to what are recorded on seismographs). After the initial discovery, named "alpha brain waves," it was learned that the brain gave off different wave patterns when individuals were in different, (altered) states of consciousness. These states were named: Beta (wide awake state); Alpha (relaxed, but alert state); Theta (light-sleep state); Delta (deep-sleep state)

Much research has been done, based on this discovery, and much technology developed, and currently available, to bring about these altered states of consciousness at will. Why is this revolutionary? Because it literally allows individuals to change how their brain functions. Much of this information and technology has become available gradually over the years. It has probably had more to do with the positive changes that have occurred in this country, since its application, in opening up personal Belief Systems than any other factor in the last half-century. Those applications began with learning to induce and control the production of Alpha to meditation tapes, to brain entraining tapes, to hemisphere balancing technology.

As indicated, there have continued to be new discoveries based on this initial one, but, for me, the most relevant to the thread of this particular blog is the following discovery. When young and very-young children were tested, it was discovered that babies, ages 0-2, brain waves were Delta. In other words babies brains are in the equivalent of deep sleep. When young children, ages 2-4 were tested, their brains were giving off Theta waves, equivalent to light sleep states. Children, ages 4-6, brains were giving off Alpha brain waves. It isn't until between ages 6-7 that children's brains are giving off Beta waves equivalent to adult awake states. One mind-blowing revelation of this research is that we send children off to schools, when their brains are in, the equivalent of being in a state of deep meditation.

Why is this important? Generally, it was learned that when meditators are actually in a meditative state, they are in Alpha. While it is generally believed that individuals only go into Theta and Delta when they are sleeping, it is possible to achieve these state while awake. Many individuals, when achieving these states, but not asleep report various "paranormal" experiences.

My conclusion is that the reason very young children talk about experiencing events that are generally called "occult" (meaning "hidden," but actually meaning "you don't talk about such things, because they are, "just your imagination" because they cant be real.)

With that, I end this blog.

Shirley Gallup

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