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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Life's Coincidences

As I stated in a previous blog, through the application of the dismissing statement, "It was just your imagination," much of what we experience is discarded as error in perception. Another primary way our unexplained experiences are dismissed by consensus science and our Belief Systems, is to label it as a "coincidence."

Just what is a "coincidence," anyway? Webster's Dictionary defines it as, "The occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection." While the consensus scientific opinion about "coincidence" occurrences is clear from this definition, there has been an underground fascination with such occurrences in people's lives, but not given any real importance. The whole field of Parapsychology has arisen out of it.

I first learned about such events, when I studied the work of Carl Jung, a contemporary of Freud; you know, the psychoanalyst, considered (wrongly) the father of the whole scientific field of psychology. (Psychology: the field of science which denies the existence of that which it purports to study--the psyche.) Jung very much believed in the importance of such events, for which he invented the term, "Synchronicity." (Jung was the only primary, early member of this young field who actually acknowledged the existence of the non-physical self--the psyche.) Jung's interest in these events, however, was preceded by the work of Paul Kammerer.

Paul Kammerer, (1881-1926) was a proponent of the earlier work of the naturalist, now known as "Lamarck," (1744-1829) who was writing at the time of Charles Darwin. Lamarck, (whose true, full name, interestingly, was, Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de la Marck), was an early proponent of the idea of evolution. Kammerer was one of those unfortunates whose scientific work lost out to the winning theories of Darwin. (His story is a case study of the price you are made to pay when you put forward ideas that conflict with what has become the winning theory.)

You can read more about a small part of the work of Paul Kammerer, called "The Law of Serialitity (sic)" here:

In the cited material, regarding an Appendix found in one of Kammerer's books, I found the following explanation:
The crucial phrase is "lawful recurrence". Indeed the purpose of Kammerer's book was to prove that what we traditionally call a coincidence or a series of coincidences is in reality the manifestation of a universal principle in nature which operates independently from the known laws of physical causation. The 'laws of seriality' are, on this view, as fundamental as those of physical causality, but hitherto unexplored.

Carl Jung did not use the term "seriality" for his work, because it had already been used by Kammerer, and so chose "Synchronicity" instead.

The point of today's blog is, essentially, that, what we call "coincidences" should be paid attention to. That everything is essentially connected to everything else; it is as though we are in a web which connects all parts of our lives.

An example of using this connectivity is, if you would like an answer "from the universe" to some question about your life's events, is to take a book in hand, (frequently the Bible is used, but you can try whatever book you like) and ask the question you want an answer to; you then open the book randomly and read what is on those pages to find your answer. Another example of this technique is consulting the I Ching; also called the Chinese Book of Changes. It is interesting that Carl Jung was said to be so well versed in the I Ching that he no longer needed to consult it when consulting it with coins.

When visiting Stockton, California, (one day back in the '60's/early '70's) with a friend, we visited a local Oriental Shrine. I believe, but am not sure, that it was a Japanese Shinto Shrine. This was a remnant of the great Oriental diaspora to the Gold Mountain (California) to work in the gold mines and building the railroads. In this shrine, there was a similar device for this purpose--a tube box which had numerous long sticks with numbers on them. The tube is shaken until one of the sticks arises out of the group. You take that number to a case, which contains small pieces of paper with words connected to each of the numbers, and take one that matches your number. This piece of paper contains the information you were seeking from the universe.

Another example of coincidence in our lives, which many people have experienced, is to "accidentally" meet someone you have been thinking about. When I lived in San Francisco some time ago, I knew a gentleman who, for various reasons, I lost contact with. Subsequently, when I was out and about, I would "just happen" to run into him, until I left California. It is advised that, when this happens with someone, you should not pass it off, but to spend some time with that person, because you came together for some particular reason that you need to know.

Everyone has experienced these kinds of events coming together meaningfully, but, while being amused by it, most then pass it off as, "just a coincidence."

I enjoy bargain hunting; one thing I do to use this connectedness is when I need something in particular, but want to "find it," not just go out and buy it, I send out a search using my unconscious self. I focus on what it is I want, with the intention that, on one of my occasional foraging expeditions I will find what I need, and then release it. I have been able to locate a number of things I now have in this way. As I mentioned previously, "the world is magic, if you believe it is."

The consensus "rational" view of existence, of course, is that all this is "nonsense." "Nonsense"; an interesting word--non-sense, because this is exactly what it is. Our senses are what we experience the three dimensional world we live in with. What I am talking about has to do with the underlying reality beneath our everyday sense world. The more you come to trust your non-physical non-sense self, the more help you will receive from it.

When you learn about your amazing non-physical powers, and how they can be used, then you may gain a true appreciation of what it means to be you, a human. While the scientific community wants you to believe that everything is explainable in rational ways; it is, in actuality, the biggest lie you have been told your whole life to keep you powerless.

More on this in another blog.

Shirley Gallup

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