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Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Doomsday Clock - What Have We Wrought?

It being the beginning of a New Year on this planet, it only seems fitting to me to, not only look to the future, but to cast back to the middle of our last Century.  The Doomsday Clock came into being at that time out of the need to look at where this world is headed.  It has been maintained since 1947 by the members of the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

In an overview put together by that group, it states: "The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making." (  The technologies they included are, firstly, the development of nuclear weapons.  The closest the clock has ever come to twelve was two minutes to twelve. To my recollection, it has been at five minutes to twelve for most of the time since then.  A few days ago, an announcement was made that the hands have now been set at three minutes to twelve!

Other factors in the placement of the hands include: "...climate-changing technologies; emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable our way of life and to the planet." (

The reason for the change in the clock?  The reason for this latest change, I can only speculate upon, but, in my opinion, some of the reasoning behind the change has to include the following: on the nuclear weapons front, it is now being reported that certain military factions are discussing the need to develop new atomic weapons!

We have not safely disposed of all the waste, not to mention the weapons themselves, created by the original development of those weapons.  There is only one facility for the disposal of the least radioactive of these materials, which is located here in New Mexico.  Last February that site experienced a reaction in one of the drums of material currently located there, releasing radioactivity into the environment.   That release resulted in the closure of the facility.  It is estimated that in order to clean up the site, to make it possible to place more material there, has a price tag of many millions of dollars, just for it to be reopened for more material, and will take, it is estimated, five years!

Climate Changing Technologies:  Generally not acknowledged is that various governments in our world, predominantly the United States and Russia, have been conducting weather warfare for many years.  The United States has it's HARRP facility in Alaska, as well as, reportedly, other such facilities in the world to manipulate the weather, as well as being capable of other uses, such as, it has been reported, over-the-horizon and earth-penetrating radar.

Contrary to the protestations of the anti-global-warming people, the worlds weather and temperatures have clearly changed.  Along with the ongoing climate changes, we are also reaping the result of all the above tampering with the World's weather which has been going on for many years. (I think the beginning of the tampering was with cloud-seeding for rain making; I first became aware of this early form of tampering with the weather by learning about cloud seeding, in the 60's.)

In the 70's the laying down of Chem Trails began, not only in this country, but other country's around the world the U.S. Government gained access to.  We will probably never know for sure how they have affected the climate.  This is a controversial subject, due to the absolute denials of people who should be aware of it, including airplane pilots! While there have been speculations, few individuals actually know for certain what the purpose of the Chem Trails has been, (and those who know are among the deniers).  Due to the widespread denials of its existence, there are many who refuse to believe that it has been going on now for almost 50 years!  (I doubt that the purpose, let alone the effect, of this widespread program will ever be disclosed.)

Our world's weather currently is no longer predictable.  Consider the recent years' devastating weather, especially in the North and East of the U.S., and the ongoing extreme weather taking place already this year.  Our country is not alone in experiencing devastating weather, it is happening around the world.

Biological technologies also are not just emerging, they have been being used to devastating affect, also since the 70's.  Many Microbiologists have been dying in mysterious ways for years. (See:  Included in this report is the statement: "There is really only one reason to kill off a bunch of scientists. To keep them from doing something they are able to do."  (Or, to keep them talking about what they have been doing.)

Cyber technology ended up the scientist's list of danger areas.  However, many are now conscious of the personal problems created by having personal data taken by those individuals knowledgeable about the inner workings of computers.  (I can remember in the early days of computers, people who were learning about them having signs around saying: "Work all day, hack all night.")  What about the specter of having those who have declared their enmity to our Country, taking control of missiles, instead of personal information!?!

Another technology, not mentioned, because it had not been developed as yet, or, at least was under the radar, as a threat to the world is Nano technology. (See: ).  I have, personally been concerned about Nano Technology ever since I first heard about it.  An indicator of how many individuals are experimenting in this area is that the Patent Office cannot even begin to keep up with all the patent applications for new developments in the field!

If one even begins to dwell on any of these dangers to our world's survival, one would not even be able to sleep for worrying.  In regard to what many would consider the worst danger--atomic energy, the title of the movie, "Doctor Strangelove, How I stopped worrying and learned to love the bomb!" pretty much says it all about the military's attitude about nuclear energy, with which I started this rumination.  An indication of the ongoing, and renewed interest in that technology was stated in an article in our last Sunday's Albuquerque Journal: "...we need to create a new and/or refurbished arsenal of nuclear weapons."

What was not indicated in the announcement regarding the change in the Doomsday Clock, was what it took to get the scientist's to decide to move the Doomsday Clock up a couple of minutes.

With that question in mind, I end this blog,

Shirley Gallup 
The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. - See more at:
The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. - See more at:
The Doomsday Clock is an internationally recognized design that conveys how close we are to destroying our civilization with dangerous technologies of our own making. First and foremost among these are nuclear weapons, but the dangers include climate-changing technologies, emerging biotechnologies, and cybertechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm, whether by intention, miscalculation, or by accident, to our way of life and to the planet. - See more at:

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