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Thursday, June 4, 2015

What's In Your Mind

In this blog I plan to ruminate around the concept that the nature of our thoughts can change our lives.  Recently I have read a couple of newspaper articles discussing recent research which purports to show that there is no reason to believe that positive thinking has any affect on one's future; and that having a negative attitude also has no affect either.

As an example of the nature of these articles, I quote from a May 31, 2015, Albuquerque Journal article entitled, "Positive thinking overrated," on the leading page, and, "Optimism doesn't always lead to success," on the continuing page. 

While noting that, "A life outlook that, generally speaking, assumes the best, has many tangible benefits."  And, "Positive thinking has been linked to better relationships, increased happiness and health."  However, in the next paragraph it states, "But optimism has its limits.  In fact, it can be a pretty wasteful way to approach life."  Further on it adds, "But the truth is that it makes no difference.  Sometimes its even worse."

As to the study itself, the article describes the nature of one aspect of this endeavor, as: "In one experiment, for instance, participants spent a good deal longer looking for Waldo in Where's Waldo when they were convinced they would find him."  (This is research we should be impressed by?!?)

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, in 1952, created a great deal of controversy in the metal health community by publishing a book titled, The Power of Positive Thinking.  It, of course, was only one of a number of books which have been published on this topic over the years.  It is interesting that the debunkers are feeling the need, again, to try to refute this concept at this time.

What is mind? gives the general meaning as, "the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc."  Scientific Thinking disputes the idea that anything exists that is not material in nature. This leads reason to say that there is no such thing as mind, and maintain that thoughts are something the brain somehow, secrets.  The idea that something non-physical could have an impact on the physical world, in their view is an impossibility!

Despite the opposition of the Scientific community, however, this idea will not, apparently, die, one might even speculate, is one that is being deliberately reintroduced.

This continuing-to-be-controversial idea, of course, can be traced back to the beginning of Christianity; as one example, the statement that, "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap."

In 1925, Florence Scovel Shinn, wrote  The Game of Life, and How to Play It.  That book was followed latter by, The Power of the Spoken Word; Your Word is Your Wand; and The Secret of Success.  In a collection of those works, Ms. Shinn is described as follows: "An American artist and book illustrator who became a New Thought spiritual teacher and metaphysical writer in her middle years."

In the Sixties Jose Silva, a  self-taught parapsychologist, and author, as well as the subject of books which detail his, personally developed, techniques.  Those techniques were turned into what became known as the Silva Mind Control Seminars.  One reference on the Internet states, "Jose Silva pioneered the world-famous Silva Method of mind control method, which has helped thousands to tap into hidden resources of the mind."

Then, in our 21st Century, the movie and book, named, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne appeared, to, again, spread the idea that personal, "reality" can be shaped by what and how we think--our minds.  That this idea has the nature of Secret knowledge, to me, is credible and, when most needed, is revealed to selected individuals who will spread the word to those who will listen.

The full influence this movie/book has had, at this point in time, cannot be accurately gauged.  Wikipedia states: The Secret is a best-selling 2006 self help book written by Rhonda Byrne, based on the earlier film of the same name. It is based on the law of attraction  and claims that positive thinking can create life-changing results such as increased happiness, health, and wealth. The book has sold more than 19 million copies worldwide and has been translated into 46 languages but has attracted a great deal of controversy and been parodied in several TV programs.

My main thesis, in this blog, has been that what we believe, our Personal Belief System, shapes our reality.  Our personal and collective Belief Systems are the product of our upbringing, cultural and religious heritage, and educations, as well as, for some few, personal experiences.  And, that those Beliefs, in turn, determine how we live our lives.

As indicated, over the years many people have taken these ideas and used them to reshape their lives.  What we each, personally, do with them is, of course, up to each of us individually,

It would seem that those who wish people to continue to accept Scientific Thinking, and it's Belief System, as the highest possible level of intelligence are becoming rattled by this alternative way of thinking--some call it "New Age Thinking"--raising its, "irrational" head once again.  The idea: that we humans can reshape our own personal reality by what we do, say, and believe, that is, what's in our minds, and act on it as shown by our behavior.

With that thought, I end this blog.

Shirley Gallup

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