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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Our Most Valuable Possession

This, my Blog, is entitled, "Ruminations on Responsibilities;" from its outset my contention has been that our most important responsibility in life is ourselves--not family, not culture, not religion.  This proposition--that the biggest responsibility each of us has is oneself has been labeled, "selfishness" by religions and society.

The reason the idea that, "being most responsible to the self" is being selfish in nature--in doing so, you are not putting religious beliefs, or society's demands, before looking-after-the-self.  Look where that has gotten the world!  Everyone's most valuable possession is the self--body and mind--not family, house, car, jewels, clothes, or any other, "possession!"

Without physical health, what do you have, really?  Without mental health, what do you have, really?  Not much, if you doubt this, check your grandparents--how is their health; how are their mental faculties. How many, legal, drugs are they taking; what are they using to just get around; can they get up off the floor by themselves?

Lately there have been a number of news stories about the worlds oldest person, (as I recall they were all women).  They lived to be from 112 to 116.  The worlds average life expectancy, reportedly, currently, is 71 years; in 1935 it was around 60 years. (Only about ten years!)  I have now exceeded the current life expectancy by almost 10 years!  Maybe I know some things that the experts reject about the nature of human health!

Why is it that the worlds scientific minds have not been able to add any more than ten years to the average life expectancy, even in the United States?  (Even though they keep making claims that they will improve that self-same expectancy.) Because they have been busy degrading the average person's life, by peddling drugs--legal and non-legal--that's why!  That, and doing their best to debunk people who have found better solutions for common human vicissitudes.

How about a cure for Cancer?  For many years now Cancer related news has been all about finding a "Cure for Cancer."  Money pours in due to everyone, practically, agreeing that this is a worthwhile endeavor.  However, anyone who declares that Cancer is curable, right now, is roundly debunked by those who claim to know the most about such things, not "tell us more!"  The same suggestions have been made about Heart Disease, Mental Degeneration, and other factors degrading the health of older people.  The only one being focused on in most health news is Diet; specifically overweight, with no mention of some of the real reasons for our overweight population.

The first fifty years of life is when, "life" happens for most of us, its all downhill after that for the average individual.  A few alternative messages have gotten through, for one, the importance of exercise.  Evidence of this is the number of Seniors to be found in gyms, working out.  The importance of diet gets lost in all the contradictory and changing information heard over the years, as well as the resistance to organic foods for so many years.  That barrier, however, has major holes in it as indicated by the increase in farmer's markets as well as the demand for and resultant appearance of organic and natural foods in the mainstream markets.

There is no denying that effort is involved, as the real information is subsumed by all the information put out by the effort to keep you uninformed about what is possible.  To get to our subject matter: our one most valuable possession is our own personal physical bodies and our non-physical minds.  Our bodies and minds have abilities which those who regulate what is generally available as information do not want you to know!  "They" are those who have a vested interest in keeping us feeling helpless, and ignorant and in keeping the information secret.

Since the Mid-twentieth Century there has been an undeclared war going on for our bodies and minds.  Between those who fight to keep us ignorant and those who would educate us.  Guess who has been winning that War these last 65 years!  Until recently, that is.  Perhaps the most notable reason for the change is the availability of information, through the Internet, and individuals by speaking out, and writing books, joining in the battle for hearts and minds.

The reasons I have maintained a fair degree of health over the years, primarily, is my determination to educate myself about these issues.  And having time to do so.  Another primary reason is the fact that I never married to become subject to the  social demands and indoctrination of a "Normal" life, for which, I guess, I can bless my fates and my contrary demand to know what underlying information is available--forbidden information!

It is not selfishness to be determined to take care of one's physical and mental health, and life insurance is not going to fix the problem.  If you are not healthy and your mind is not functioning, those who depend upon you, and you have responsibility for, will only be a shade better off if they get a check for a fair amount of money.  Especially, if you have not facilitated those one's own ability to honor their own bodies and minds through self education and living a healthy life style.

So, enough for this Blog!

Shirley Gallup 

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