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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Thoughts Are Things!

In this blog, I want to present anyone reading it with a major gift; it being that time of year.  This is a gift that can, and has, changed lives!

This gift its the revelation of a great secret I have learned over time.  It is the secret underlying much that has been written and published about what has come to be known as, "The Secret."  It is tha: Thoughts ARE things!

When I say, "thoughts are things", I am stating something that is contrary to what is built into our language: things are physical; thoughts are not physical, therefore, they cannot be things!  Our language contains many such dichotomies, it is either..., or it's not. defines. "dichotomy" as a: "division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups."  Therefore, a thought cannot be a thing--as, it is generally believed, that only something physical can have an affect on/in the physical world.

In this gift to you today, I plan to tell you how we have fallen into a mental trap. Firstly, an important element of reality is that everything is vibration--everything has a vibration signature; which means everything is positive, negative or neutral.  (I cannot recall ever, in my lifetime, of reading or hearing this expressed anywhere!)  Just as in everything else, the contents of all of our thoughts can be labeled--any thought or part of thought can be categorized as being one of those three: positive, negative, or neutral.

It is quite common for us, for example, to have negative feelings about ourselves, our bodies, how we look, etc.  (I remember one episode of Star Trek, in it the ship had aboard a group of women whom were perceived as being, "beautiful."  On trying to understand why they thought this, the crew agreed that these women were no more, "beautiful" than their female crew members.  Later in the script, it was learned the those women had been, through hypnotic suggestion convinced that they were , indeed, beautiful.) 

Understand that, when we have negative thoughts about ourselves, or others, we are mentally attacking them or ourselves psychically!

In a previous blog I retold a story told by Ruth Montgomery in one of her books.  (Ruth Montgomery was a very well-known D.C. political reporter); in her later years, she discovered and took up automatic writing, (the source of such information is believed to come from the spirit world.)  Her correspondent was a spirit who called himself, "Lily."  In one such session Lily suggested to her to try an experiment, which was that she should choose someone, and spend some days thinking kind thoughts about him/her, as well as praying for that person.  Ruth chose another reporter whom she thought of as an enemy; this was a mutual lack of regard.

She did as was suggested.  The next function she attended, at which the other reporter was present, the woman came up to her, hugged her, and told her how happy she was to see her!  End of enmity.  This story is one I shall never forget.  I guess it is an example of, "turning the other cheek," something which the Christian faith encourages, but says nothing as to, why.

As indicated, the why is the secret knowledge that thoughts are things!  Worrying is a train of projected negative thoughts, into the future.  By using positive statements and words, when thinking, we are also setting in motion a positive result in the future.  Thus, positive affirmations.  I have discussed this in my blog previously in talking about creating one's reality.  Every thought we have, about ourselves, others--the world--is creating the future.  One of those, I like and use, is the affirmation: "Every day, in every wary, I am better and better, and better."

Affirmations have become commonplace since the 60s.  The one above was re-popularized by Jose Silva and his Silva Mind Control.  In none of the books and articles I have read about the subject, do I recall any placing an emphasis on the fact that, "Thoughts Are Things"!

Also, not included, is the knowledge that everything carries a vibration, in particular, the words we use to create our thoughts.  By examining one's thoughts, and beliefs, through Journaling, or otherwise, you will be able to see what you are projecting forward for yourself.

If you look positive thinking up on the internet you will find that it is a firmly established idea. However, do you practice it, as though your future depended upon it, because it does!  I expect you will find for yourself, if you really accept it as truth, and practice monitoring your thoughts, it will benefit you greatly.

Yours for a changed New Year and World!

Shirley Gallup

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