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Friday, June 18, 2010

The Power of Our Thoughts and Words

My previous blog talked about the possibility that the words that we use, and used by others in our surroundings, can affect us physically, as well as the effects they have on us psychologically. It has been believed--we have been conditioned to believe--that words, are just words.

Also, thoughts come in the form of words. Thoughts are things. The idea the we can and do create our own reality has a history going back to the 19th century.

Everyone has experienced the power of words to hurt us emotionally, but most would probably discount the idea that they actually have the power to change anything real. Here we have come to the word "real" again--"real," the basis of "reality." We humans have the ability to shape our own personal reality through our words and thoughts.

Something I read some time ago indicates how this can be accomplished. This was in a book by Ruth Montgomery, who was primarily known as a political reporter, in her mature years wrote a number of books dealing with metaphysics. "Metaphysics," is, essentially, the study of that which is not physical. In her earlier years, she was very much a rational/intellectual-type person, but became involved with the non-physical, as I recall, through starting to do automatic writing.

In the course of receiving information, and writing books, in this way, she was introduced to the subject of how we can create our own reality, by changing our thoughts. As mentioned previously, our thoughts are as wild beasts, so it is easy to try to escape responsibility for them--they just are. It was suggested to her that she experiment with the idea of trying to change her reality by changing her thoughts.

She, as a Washington, D.C., political observer and player, had many friends as well as those who she thought of as having enmity toward her. One woman, in particular, she considered to be such a person; this woman also felt the same toward her. Telling no one of her experiment, for the next twenty-four hours she focused on thinking nothing but positive thoughts about this person and prayed for her well being, and, thereafter, refrained from thinking negatively about her. The next time these two crossed paths, the other woman came up to her, embraced her, saying how happy she was to see her, etc. End of enmity. This was, for Ruth Montgomery, a profound awakening experience, and should be an eye opener for us all. I read the book, which this story was contained within, many years ago, and have never forgotten its importance.

Worrying is another way we create our reality. Worrying is thought to be a normal thing to do if you care about someone; many worry excessively about every aspect of their lives. Worrying is the mind's scurrying in circles in a negative spiral. "Worrying one's self to death," an interesting saying, is it not?

Many have heard, at some point or other, about "the power of positive thinking" Norman Vincent Peal, a minister, wrote a book which had that as it's title.

Emile Coue, (Émile Coué de Châtaigneraie {February 26, 1857 – July 2, 1926} was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion.--Wikipedia) introduced the phrase: "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better," to be repeated to oneself, every morning and evening. Having not read Dr. Peal's writings, I do not know if he had been exposed to Coue's philosophical work.

Jose Silva developed something which came to be called, "Silva Mind Control," also proposed a mantra-like saying of, "Every day in every way, I'm getting better, and better, and better." From my reading about him, as far as I have been able to determine, he came upon the idea of this phrase as way of changing one's personal reality independently. Jose Silva's Mind Control method had many followers in the late '60's/early '70's.

Also in the '60's Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S., wrote a book called Psycho-Cyberntics, "A New Technique for Using Your Subconscious Power." This book had a powerful influence on my thinking back in my rational/intellectual days. He went on to publish the same book under other titles, much to my annoyance. If you can locate any book by him, it's the book to read to bend your mind into a new direction.

Most recently, we have the movie, and subsequent book, The Secret bearing the same message, quoting many current teachers in this field. Taking Responsibility for Yourself, will not happen unless you accept the possibility that, every day, in every way, you are shaping your reality, for better or worse.

Everything that is arises out of the non-physical, everything!

So end-ith my blog for today.

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