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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Evidence for a Non-Physical Existence

As indicated in prior blogs, it has been my intention to discuss information contained in the book, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, as it reveals our super powers. Since writing my last blog, I have been reviewing the book, (I read it in the '60's).

While it does, indeed, reveal just how powerful we are, many of the powers that the Russians were exploring at that time were and are somewhat alarming as to their potential. I am, therefore, only going to discus one other, very important discovery which, I believe, was revealed for the first time in the book; that is, "Kirlian Photography," a method of photographing the energy emanating from living things. Traditionally, this emanation has been called an "aura."

The aura, for those not familiar with the term, is an aspect of our non-physical body, which some individuals are able to see to various degrees. As far as recorded history is concerned, reports of such an aura around living things go back to Biblical times; it is depicted as the halo above the head of Saints in many paintings.

Mr. Kirlian, in Russia, was an electrician who was called on to repair some scientific equipment, (around 1940) in the process of testing the repaired equipment, he noticed, what appeared to be, an electrical charge emanating from the human subject of the scientific experiment taking place. As a result of what he saw, he began to experiment with ways to photograph this energy. He and his wife, eventually, developed the very complex equipment which enabled him to photograph this energy. With it, they were able to photograph energy emitting from, not only human hands, but, also, detached leaves and metal objects.

After the process was developed, they experimented with leaves; they would cut off a part of the leaf and photograph the main part. In my opinion, what is most interesting/relevant about these experiments is that, one, the detached leaf retained the ability to give off energy in the form of an aura; two, when a part of the leaf was cut off, the photo of the remaining leaf continued to show the aura as whole, despite the missing part.

If you are familiar with what has been labeled, "phantom pain"; the phenomenon of individuals who have had a limb removed for any reason, experiencing sensations and pain in the limb that was no longer present, you may gather the significance of this. Extreme measures are taken to relieve these patients of this pain.

A web site devoted to Amputees has information regarding this subject; it indicates that
(T)his phantom sensation is most certainly a realistic, tangible event experienced by millions of amputees world wide.... (The) Phantom sensation is not just the feeling of having a limb when no limb is present (which usually goes away). It is a term used for any sensation or pain originating from a residual (stump) limb. (

Kirlian Photography has gone a long way in the over-half-century since its beginnings in Russia. If you have gone to any Psychic Fairs, or Whole Life Expos, you may have seen booths which advertise that you can have a picture of your Aura taken. If you have had one taken, you may have been surprised as to what it showed. Generally, the person at the booth will interpret the Aura shown for you. (The fact that this technology managed to make its way into this country during the Cold War years, is interesting, at least to me.)

I started having my Aura photographed in 1994, and have had it photographed periodically since then. The most phenomenal one I had done was in 2005, which was processed by a computer and included all the Chakras of the body with analysis.

The ability to photograph an aura around, virtually, anyone, is direct evidence that humans have a non-physical aspect. Additionally, the "phantom pain" phenomena, interpreted in light of the missing leaf-part having a continuing aura, is another major piece of evidence in this regard. By implication, all fauna, (animals) also have non-physical bodies; also, that all fauna, (plant life) as demonstrated by Kirlian Photography, have non-physical bodies. (All life on Earth is broken down into flora and fauna--leaving aside the very interesting indeterminate virus, germs, and fungus, which it would seem would also have non-physical aspects.)

The significance of the above is Belief-System-shattering evidence that each of us, and everything, is more than physical forms. This evidence is, of course, denied and debunked by the mainstream scientific community.

With that to think about, I will end this blog for today.

Shirley Gallup

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