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Monday, August 9, 2010

Sight: Our Phenomenal Super Power

Before getting into the Russian discoveries of human Super Powers in this blog, I want to go back to Cleve Backster's experiments with plants, and some of what they might mean. I wanted to check what was on the Internet about his experiments currently, and came across a long article, which turned out to be a debunker piece spelling out why none of it could possibly be valid, because, after all, plants are "nothing but" cellulose, sugar and starch. This is a fact, not only about plants, but about all plant life from green grass to Giant Sequoia trees.

Actually, long before I knew this about all plant life around us, (which I learned just recently) I saw a picture in, I believe, "Life Magazine," which used to feature an amazing picture on its last page. This was a much-magnified picture of a plant leaf; this leaf was covered with eye-like cells. It was a major lesson--that lesson was that nothing is "nothing but."

This brings me to the first Super Power I want to write about, which also has to do with seeing, and the "facts" versus what is. The fact about human sight is that we "see" with our eyes. How we actually see with our eyes is not known, as I indicated previously. Also not known about "seeing," is how many humans are able to "visualize," with eyes closed and open, nor is it understood how we see images while dreaming. Another aspect of this is people who sleep walk are able to function normally with their eyes closed in sleep. They walk around objects, know when they have come to a door, etc. These things, which the scientists do not understand is simply not discussed, period.

In Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, is a chapter on "Eyeless Sight."
In the spring of 1962 Rosa told her very doubting doctor,..,that she could see with her fingers. Then she showed him. Carefully blindfolded by Goldberg, Rosa moved the third and fourth fingers of her right hand over sheets of paper, naming colors, Green, red, light blue, orange.
Rosa also demonstrated the ability to read from magazines, books, newspapers, etc. "Her hand read as easily as her eyes...Rosa was acting as if she'd grown a second set of eyes in her fingertips."

After much investigation, and experimentation, it was discovered that this ability could be taught to others. Apparently, what caused Rosa to reveal this ability was that she, at that time, worked with blind people and wanted to help improve their lives.

My recollection is that, when she was much younger, the idea occurred to her that if she were able to read with her fingers, she could hide school notes in her pocket, which would help her get better grades. What is noteworthy in this, is that no one had ever told her that this was "impossible," so she set about training herself to do it. It has been found that it is easier to teach younger children how to see with their fingers, for, no doubt, the same reason. Generally, the ability to distinguish different colors is taught first. This has been taught to blind people to help them negotiate in their homes, by painting various objects different colors.

The authorities, after searching records, found that a number of people in Russia, in the fairly recent past, had been known to be able to read with their fingers.

I have read since, that it has been discovered some people can see with other parts of their skin as well.

If you consider that our entire body is made up of cells, just like the leaves of plants, they may be dormant "eyes" as well.

It has been demonstrated also, through the use of hypnosis, that, when hypnotized, people who are "blind," have been able to see. These are not cases of "hysterical" blindness; however, such cases of blindness can be "cured" with the use of hypnosis, once the cause for the loss of sight has been determined. It was discovered, when one such "miraculous" subject was examined, had a small fringe of rods and cones in their eyes, which had been activated by hypnosis. When taken out of hypnosis, the person was no longer able to see.

Personally, having learned what I have about humans, and their unacknowledged Super Powers, I can only encourage you to take care of your bodies, and love them, no matter what they look like.

Thus ends my blog for today.

Shirley Gallup

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